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Discoverable traveler data is the backbone of accessible, reliable mobility: Uncovering approaches to standardizing fare and ticketing data to increase ridership

04 Mar 2025

This roundtable will examine strategies used globally to build a cohesive fare data ecosystem, focusing on current initiatives in transit fare and ticketing data standardization. How do we assess how different approaches complement or clash with each other, and uncover strategies that foster a reliable, equitable, and interoperable fare data ecosystem that support healthy ridership? 

Just as physical infrastructure—like buses, roads, and escalators—is essential for navigating a city, mobility data infrastructure is essential as it is the digital backbone of public transportation, connecting travelers to the information they need to make informed decisions. Data standards, like GTFS Fares, are the foundation of this digital network, enabling seamless information exchange across the industry. These standards can emerge through formal organizations with a goal of wide adoption or develop organically as de facto standards. Their governance models range from centralized bodies with authoritative oversight to decentralized, open, or hybrid approaches that encourage broad stakeholder participation, both offering distinct advantages in terms of control, transparency, and collaboration. 

Heili Toome, Global Engagement Director - MobilityData