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Panel Discussion: Strategies and best practices for safeguarding transit revenue whilst providing customer service.

05 Mar 2024
Theatre 2
  • What are the current trends in fare evasion? What is the balance between fraudulent travel and revenue leakage? What are the current approaches to mitigate both?
  • Discuss how data analytics, AI and other technologies can be leveraged to detect and prevent revenue leakage.
  • What are the negative impacts on customer service from Revenue Protection measures? When do the costs of enforcement outweigh the benefits? How is fare evasion perceived by politicians and the public?
Matthew Hudson, Lead - Rebel
Nicola Brady, Senior Operational Policy, Insight and Analysis Manager Compliance, Policing, Operations & Security - Transport for London
Alvaro Madrigal Montes de Oca, Director General - Secretaría de Movilidad de la Ciudad de México
Kevin Forrest, Head of Revenue Protection Development - Great Western Railway
Michael O’Brien, Head of Counter Fraud & Privacy - FirstGroup