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Natascha Hooft

Natascha Hooft

International Pricing & Revenue Management Manager, SNCB

Natascha grew up in a railway family which results in a big love for everything that she has to do with traveling and trains. She graduated as a Master of Science in Business Economics with a Major in Transport at the University of Antwerp. After being a teacher for 2 years, she started working more than 30 years ago at SNCB where she set up a Training Department for sales staff. Within this function she also created information tools for sales and train staff. After 10 years she moved to the International Marketing Department where she became responsible for the product, pricing and revenue strategy for both international and cross-border trains. Natascha represents SNCB in several UIC Groups where she was Chairwoman of NRT Pricing for 4 years. She is also a member of the Eurail Supervisory Board for more than 10 years and vice-chairwoman since almost 4 years.
