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Matteo Arena

Matteo Arena

CEO , Arenaways
Railways are in his blood. Both his parents were in the railways, his father Giuseppe is considered a pioneer in the liberalisation of the Italian freight and passenger markets. In 2021, with a pool of investors, Matteo founded Arenaways Longitude Holding S.r.l. and realised an innovative project with the Mobility Agency of Piedmont whilst developing relations to attract new investors.
Arenaways aims at redefining the train travel experience by approaching also the local and InterCity connections with criteria of innovation and quality. Backed by an excellent corporate structure that includes Renfe Proyectos Internacionales, the Company has started its operations in January 2025 with a 10-years contract to reactivate two suspended lines in the Piedmont region and prove that a different way of doing public transport in Italy is possible and works.