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Transport Ticketing Gala Dinner & Awards


                4 March 2025

Some additional guidance for writing your entry

As you are working on your Transport Ticketing Awards entries, the following is designed to give you a bit more insight into what the judges are looking for and to give you the best chance of success. 

All entries are judged purely on the merit of the submission, so it’s important that the benefits are clearly described in your entry.

This is not a “how to complete an entry” guide, (entrants are free to approach the awards as they see fit), but instead is a guide to what has historically appealed to judges during the selection process.


Some general principles

  • Keep within the word count of 150. Judges have a lot to read so keep it tight.  And be as specific as possible.  Reading what looks like standard boilerplate doesn’t excite the judges! We increased the wordcount for each question allowing you to provide even more details in your entry. 
  • Don’t include attachments or links.  Entries will be judged solely on the content of the submission.  We receive many entries and the judges will not read attachments or follow links to further information.
  • Choose the most appropriate category for your project / technology and only enter it into that category.  If the same entry is submitted into more than one category, it may be ignored by the judges!  Look carefully at each category and decide which one best describes your project.  If you are unsure, contact us.
  • If you are submitting an entry for a project that has multiple partners, please check and co-ordinate with them first.  (Previously we have had multiple entries for the same project from different partners).  It risks splitting the vote and could lessen your chance of winning.
  • Don’t be late! Due to the tight timescales we won’t be able to extend the submission deadline.

What appeals to the judges?

In simple terms, it’s genuine detail that shows how a project has delivered real improvements or how a technology can deliver genuine benefits over and above what already exists.

For example, when describing a smart ticket programme, please include details of adoption relevant to the network size.  Please also include factors that show why such a level of adoption should be considered a success, e.g. were there other barriers that had to be overcome?  Is this as a “first“ for the region?  Is this a stepping stone to even greater customer benefits?

Or when describing a technology, include details of performance characteristics that show why it is over and above other solutions; or provide details of how it can offer an alternative approach for agencies and operators.

In addition to quantifying benefits, the judges also typically respond to what they consider an innovative solution that ultimately delivers benefits for passengers. 

Some things to consider when writing your entry...

  • Does your project demonstrate innovative ways to encourage ridership on public transport?
  • Can you show the adoption of new technologies or standards in ticketing to create innovative solutions and also lead the way for the rest of the industry?
  • If you are claiming that your solution is innovative, make it clear why it is innovative.  Why is it different to other programmes or solutions?
  • Can you show that you have tackled the real pain point of the user?
  • Can you demonstrate a way of working or collaboration amongst partners that we might not have seen before?
  • Can you clearly describe how your solution makes a traveller’s journey easier?
  • Can you demonstrate how you’ve simplified things for travellers or agencies/operators?
  • Can you demonstrate how your approach will have lasting benefits? 

What our judges said about previous winning entries

Finally, here are a few judges’ comments that appeared against previous year’s shortlisted and winning entries. We’d deliberately chosen comments that can’t be identified as belonging to specific projects, but they should give you a good sense of what appeals during the judging process.

Genuinely new and innovative

Exciting and will lead to lots of other innovation

Has driven behavioural change and created loyalty

Contributes to wider benefits such as interoperability, openness

Has proved that this new concept can work and will deliver benefits for passengers and operators

Really comprehensive scheme supporting substantial growth in usage and environmental benefits

Quantifying the operational benefits makes this nomination stand out.

A novel idea and application… the outcomes are impressive

This stands out for its broader social benefit

Rules for submission

Finally, here's a reminder of the submission rules.

  • You may edit your entry after submitting, up until the entry deadline
  • Please make sure all your personal details are entered accurately, including contact details
  • You are eligible to enter more than one category, as long as the work submitted meets the criteria. However, each entry must be substantially different. In the case of an entry being submitted to more than one category, the organiser reserves the right to re-allocate the entry to another category or remove the entry altogether
  • Only nominations with all details of the submission completed by the deadline will be entered into the awards
  • Companies are allowed to nominate themselves, clients or partners
  • The organiser reserves the right to move an entry to a different category if, in the opinion of the organiser, the entry is a better fit for an alternative category. If an entry is moved, the organiser will give reasons for the move
  • The Awards are free to enter. However, entry to Transport Ticketing Gala Dinner & Awards Ceremony is reserved for ticket holders
  • Shortlisted companies must ensure a representative from their organisation is present at the event